If I asked you, “Who is your workshop, webinar or on-line course for?” and your response is ““Everyone”, I can guarantee you will have a hard time finding them.
When your target audience is too big, it’s actually harder to find them because they could be anywhere. I am reminded by the quote by T.Harv Eker, “The tighter your niche is, the greater your riches”.
Which target audience can you find faster? “Executive Women” or “Executive Women who are going back to work after having a baby”?
The first group is clearly larger but you are more likely to get referrals of people who know someone in the latter target market much faster. It may seem counter-intuitive, but the more specific your target market, the faster you will find them.
When your market is clear, narrow and targeted AND you have the RIGHT TOPIC at the RIGHT TIME they will say “YES!” to your program.
If you are like me, it can be difficult to narrow because you may have several targeted markets (I market to Professional Speakers, to Solopreneurs/Coaches and then to High-Tech Companies).
But, here’s the good news: If you have multiple specific target markets, you can still market to them. Just pick one market to focus on at a time and dive deep into that market until you’ve achieved success. Then move on to the next market.
Here are some key questions to narrow your current market so you can get your on-line course into their hands faster
I’m here to support you in starting your on-line course on the RIGHT foot!
I’m happy to hop on the phone at 303-413-8001 to help you narrow your market or just fill out this form and let’s chat!
All the best to narrowing your target market!