9 Tips That Make a Difference When Delivering Training

Happy Friday!
In this month’s E-tip, I share with you 9 tips that can make delivering your training programs and interactive talks a whole lot easier!  And, have you be more prepared and available to your participants.  
1. Add End-Times to your Master Workbook
In your master workbook of materials, on each page, put an end time you need to complete that content by. This will enable you to know exactly where you are in your program so you can adjust accordingly.I always ask the meeting planner/client in advance exactly what time I go on and how long I have. I write out my end times based on the start time. 
2. Use a Digital Clock
Have a digital clock in front of you at all times so when you look at your end times you can quickly look at the digital clock and make adjustments accordingly.
3. Have a Backup Plan For Your Exercises
Have a few options on how you can deliver interactive exercises (a short version and longer version) so when you need to cut your content down on the fly, you have a backup plan.
4. Wrap Tape Around Your Sharpie Markers
Take a long piece of painters tape (it’s usually the blue tape that doesn’t permanently damage walls) and wrap it around a sharpie marker and put that in your bag of goodies.  Do this with a few sharpies because you never know when you’ll need tape (hang up a flip chart, paste down an extension cord, fix a bra strap, hem your pants).  Instead of having to carry a bulky roll with you, you now have some you can remove from your sharpie markers. (And, it’s a great way to let attendees know “These are my sharpies” – who puts blue tape around their sharpie markers? 🙂
5. Keep a Stash of Toys
Speaking of leave behinds, if you provide toys (which I do in my training courses) and I let people know they are for the training and to leave them on the tables when they leave, inevitably some people will take them with them.  Assume that will happen and have a stash back at your office for your next trainings so you are never low. (www.trainerswarehouse.com is my go-to resource for training toys)
6. Pack Flip Charts
Fold a few flip charts and place them in your computer bag/carry-on so if you go to a place that forgot to order or bring a flip chart and it may depend on using them in exercises, you can whip out the ones you brought, tape them to the walls and you are all set. 
7. Get There Early
Get to your gig early to not only setup and be prepared way in advance but to also meet the participants.  Introduce yourself and ask them what they would like to get out of the day/session?  This not only builds rapport, but gives you additional info to help customize your training on the fly.
8. Always Bring Extra Materials
Always bring more material than you need like post-it pads, index cards, sharpie markers, large post-it sheets because sometimes you forget something you normally bring (like I did with my Question cards) so I could easily replace those with manually writing on an index card.  The extra materials are also great for on-the-fly exercises you may do with the group.
9. Give Them a Break Every 90 Minutes
Always give your attendees a break at least every 90 minutes even if it’s just a 5 min break.  Generally people will start to lose their focus at 90 minutes.  If you are creating interaction at least every 5 minutes, they won’t even realize it’s time for a break which is even better!
Got more tips!?  Comment below to add your personal favorites so we can continue to raise the bar on the quality of our training programs!
I can’t wait to here your tips!

P.S. Need help designing or improving your training curriculum? Fill out this form and we’ll setup a Discovery call to help you.

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