The Epiphany

OK, I couldn’t leave you hanging about the big epiphany I got from my Consulting days.  What I realized back then has turned into the most important skill that contributes to my success today.

I call it the skill of “YES in ACTION”. It’s the skill of saying YES NOW knowing you can figure out the “how” later. How often do you wait until you have all your ducks in a row to offer something new?  What if you trusted your skills enough to say YES to offering it right NOW?

This is exactly how I created my Home Study Program three years ago. I pre-sold it (with a future launch date).  And, you bet after people purchased it, it lit the fire under me to complete it.

Did I know what the overall Program and modules would cover at a high level?  Yes!  Was I confident I could deliver on it?  Yes!  But, I didn’t have to have every single module designed and completed to start offering it.

Here’s the beauty of “YES in ACTION”.   When you pre-sell it, you will know right away if it’s what your client needs.  If you don’t get any bites, it’s probably not the right offer (or the right time). Why spend time on something that looks good on paper but no one really wants?

What follow-on workshop or webinar have you been spinning your wheels around?  Maybe you’ve had an idea for a long time but just don’t have the tools to complete it.

If you’re not sure what your target market needs, identify the problem or challenge they will still have after they hear your signature talk or webinar….that is a clear signal of what to help them with next.

I invite you to apply the “YES in ACTION” principle and design that 1-pager overview and go ahead and offer it!

And, then, when they bite, know there is support for you to complete it.

Until then, sending you good juju to say “YES in ACTION”!

All the best to your success,


Jean M. DiGiovanna, President Workshop University

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