Did you start your year with a bang?! How is your year going so far? Are your workshops, webinars and virtual programs coming along nicely? Or, are you finding yourself losing momentum?
If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you’ve set some clear goals for the year and distilled those goals down into actions. But then, life comes along and you start doing what’s in front of you instead of what you originally committed to.
Can you relate?
This one tip will help shift that. It’s called,
“One Focus One Goal One Action”.
You can apply this tip to any business and to any project.
For example, if you’ve wanted to update your keynote or create your follow-on workshop or begin to design your on-line program, pick one of those areas to focus on this next month. Just ONE!
Then, identify one specific goal within that focus area you want to accomplish.
- Get my keynote ready for a new audience OR
- Create the outline for my follow-on Workshop OR
- Take inventory of my content for an on-line program
Each of these goals require specific actions to accomplish, so take one of the goals above and jot out a few actions or activities that can be done in one sitting to achieve that goal.
For example, I might break the first goal listed above into these actions:
- Get info interviews setup with my 4 individuals from my new audience
- Create interview questions to ask my new audience
- Hold interviews with new audience
- Review interview results and identify which pieces of keynote to update
Are there more actions? Yes, but for now, if I place those actions in my calendar, I will stay focused and I am more likely to accomplish them.
The key is to keep it REAL and not overwhelm your brain because the unexpected is going to happen during the month. Opportunities will come in, new client work and issues will come up and challenges on the home front may arise (or a swing of emotion may wipe you out from all that is going on in the world right now).
One Focus. One Goal. One Action.
Are you willing to try this out this month? If so, I’d love to hear how it goes. Share your experiences below.
Wishing you a focused and productive month!