By Jean M. DiGiovanna
- Understand your natural flow & rhythms – When do you want or need down time? For example, I like to take December as down time so I don’t plan any launches then. What downtime do you desire this year?
- Identify the programs you want to run & locations – Fill them out in the Launch Calendar. Include other projects you want to achieve this year. These are big picture items not detailed project plans.
- Now, work backwards to include your marketing strategy for each launch and see what needs to shift. Keep in mind who you are marketing to so you’re not over-saturating the same market.
If you are looking to fill a Public:
- 2-day Live event – Market 8-20 weeks depending on how hot or cold your leads are. Start off with early early bird rate up to 1-3 months to the date, then offer higher tiered pricing as the date gets closer. (Reward people who take early action- it also helps you fill it and plan in advance)
- 1-day Live event – Market 4-12 weeks with early bird followed by higher tiered pricing as it gets closer.
- 1/2 day Live workshop/2-4 week Webinar Series – Market 2-3 weeks with early-bird rate.
- 1-2 hr. Live talk – Market 2-3 weeks out with early-bird rate.
- 60-90 min webinar – Market 1 week to a few days out (best days/times to hold it – 10 AM PT/1 PM ET either Wed or Thur. For after work time 7pm on Tue or Thur (Above all else, know your own audience and what works best for them)
- Evergreen Webinar (recorded and runs without you) – provide times to watch yesterday’s, tomorrow and 2-3 other times that week.
- Ready to fill in your Launch Calendar and create your plan for 2016?
- Already planned out your year and excited to launch!?
- Looking for help to create your Launch Calendar?
P.S. Don’t forget to check out the tips & resources from my Power Partner Colleagues below!
Power Partner Resources & Events
I am committed to share the wealth this year and highlight tips and events from my colleagues that will benefit you and your business. These are Power Partners who I trust completely, have often worked with directly or have known for years. I only refer people who have the utmost integrity and produce high quality work.
Check out This Month’s Resources/Events:
Creating Compelling Program Titles – I love this tip from Sheryl Lindsell-Roberts of She recommends checking out http://www.
“Get Focused & Energized Webinar” Feb 11th – Create Your Income Map – Are you looking to create freedom, flexibility and financial results in your business this year? My dear friend and colleague Rachel Coburn Johnsen is offering a free webinar on Thursday, February 11th entitled “Get Focused and Energized: The 5-steps to Create Your Success Without Sacrifice Income Map”. Learn more at
Take the Speaker IQ Quiz – Would you like to know your Speaker IQ? If you are a novice speaker, you may actually be better than you realize! And, as an experienced speaker, you may not see your blind spots… or realize you can become even more masterful. Take the Speaker IQ Quiz that my colleague Jonathan Bender created. This will help you assess your level, strengths and areas of growth. Oh, and it’s pretty funny, so you’ll laugh a lot too. Find out your Speaker IQ now.