How to Get Follow-on Business When You’re Not Sure What to Offer

Getting follow-on business from your programs is key to building and growing a sustainable business. Plus it’s a whole lot easier than trying to find new gigs and new clients all the time.

But, it’s not always easy to know what to offer next. The first step I always recommend is asking the question I learned decades ago from Lisa Sasevich and T. Harv Eker. It is this:

“If your attendees got everything you promised in your talk, training, workshop or webinar, what problem or challenge will they still have?”

Then you offer a follow-on program that alleviates that challenge or solves that problem. Sounds simple, but how do you know your answer is correct? What if you can’t come up with an answer?

One of the best ways to validate it is to stay in close contact with your attendees following the program they just attended by offering a follow-up session (or monthly/quarterly follow-up sessions).  This way, you can find out how they are doing and what they need next.

When I deliver my Corporate training courses, I include a 1 hour check-in call 2-4 weeks following the session with all the participants to see how they are applying the skills. On the call, I offer live Q&A and coaching and find out what they need next.

Here are some questions you can use to kickoff that follow-up session:

  • What is the biggest learning or “aha” you’ve gotten since the training?
  • Which skills/techniques from the training have you tried out on-the-job?  What has worked/not worked?
  • What is one challenge you are facing today that you’d like to get coaching on? (related to the topic at hand)
  • What would assist you in further developing and enhancing these new skills/behaviors?

With the results of that session, you can identify the follow-on program that will best meet their needs and offer it to your project sponsor.  The beauty of a follow-up session is you often identify additional courses (as opposed to going deeper in the skills you’ve already taught them).

So, if you are unsure of what to offer right out of the gate I invite you to hold a Check-in/Follow-up call and use the questions above.  At the very least, you’ll stay connected with your attendees and it will keep you top-of-mind for them.

If have any questions or other ideas to add, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

I’d love to hear hear how it goes for you.  Share your experience below with offering follow-up calls to help develop your next offer.

P.S. If you would like to bring your gifts and expertise into the Corporate market and not sure how, there’s still time to fill out my short survey to understand your challenges so I can customize a program to help you do just that. The survey will only take 3 minutes.  Thank you in advance!