Stage 2: Market & Price Your Program

Are you tired of presenting in front of half-filled rooms?
Does the thought of marketing make you want to run?

There is an art and science to pricing your workshop, webinar or online course and to getting butts in seats. And it doesn’t have to feel like pulling teeth!

One of the 3 purchasing principles we talk about in our Workshop & Webinar Success Course is called “Right Topic, Right Time, Right Price.”


If you are not getting butts in seats, it’s usually because one of these concepts is missing. You need to have all 3 of these critical strategies in place to fill your workshops and webinars and to sell your online courses.

To ensure you are on the right track, ask these key questions:

Does your topic meet an immediate need?
Do your customers understand the value?
Is it the right price for the value?

If people look at your marketing and say “That sounds nice” but they don’t need it right now, they will not sign up. Or, if you have a great topic that people need right now, but they perceive the price as too high (or you haven’t articulated the value), they will not sign up. Get the idea?

In the “Market & Price” stage at Workshop University®, you’ll learn a variety of purchasing principles and strategies that can make or break your workshop, webinar or online course.

You can offer the best content, but if you can’t market it to your ideal audience, it’s worth nothing.

If you’re frustrated with not filling your workshops and webinars – or your online course is collecting “virtual” dust – let’s review your current strategy. Let’s design a pricing and marketing strategy that aligns with your values and gets the results and sales you deserve.

Click here to secure a discovery session, so you can get started with an initial Market & Pricing strategy.