Key Questions to bring focus to the rest of your year

By Jean M. DiGiovanna, Founder Workshop University
It’s hard to believe we are nearing the end of the summer. With the beautiful weather and wanting to be outdoors, I find it sometimes hard to stay focused. I like to use this time to regroup and get my ducks in a row to create a great close of the year.  How about you? Is it time to review your original goals for 2015 to see what’s shifted? To help you regroup, here are some questions and a short process that will bring clarity and focus to the rest of your year.  I also included a visual of my 90 day plan to show an example.  (P.S. Feel free to use this process in workshops with your own clients – update/modify to make it your own).
Recalibrate Your Goals 
  1. What has shifted in your business this past year?  How will that affect your end of year goals? (Update/Add Goals accordingly)
  2. What new direction has unfolded in your business this year?  How will that affect your end of year goals? (Update/Add Goals accordingly)
  3. What will make the rest of the year a success for you? What will be present? How will your goals need to reflect that picture? (Update/Add Goals accordingly)

Create Your 90 Day Action Plan

  1. As you review your end of year goals, what specific actions need to be done?  How might you categorize those actions into buckets? (e.g. Update Web Site, Attract Clients, Create Follow-on Workshop, Market Webinars)
  2. Take out a bunch of post-it pads and use a different color for each bucket of actions.  Begin to brainstorm your actions (write one action per post-it within that bucket).  TIP: Can you finish that action in one sitting?  If not, create multiple actions/post-its.
Layout your Actions into a 90-Day Plan
  1. Begin to layout your actions in the order you need to achieve them. Use flip chart paper, a wall or a white board so you can easily move them around and remove them when you complete the action.
  2. Here is an example of my 90-Day Nurture Plan for my business:

So, there you have it!  I realize it’s hard to see the individual post-its but once I completed this process, I realized that some training webinars I was going to launch are actually expanding so stay tuned in the future for Free Live Training Webinars I’ll eventually be converting into Evergreen Webinars.
Have a great rest of the year getting refocused!
If I can be of any assistance as you regroup, feel free to reach out.

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