So often, we focus so much on our content and preparing for the delivery that we overlook the necessary logistics of room setup and gathering of materials to ensure your environment is top notch for workshop delivery.
Utilize this checklist each time you set up and prepare your workshop materials and space.
__ Workbook/Participant Guide Printed and Collated
__Marketing Material printed and compiled (bus cards, brochures, future workshop flyers)
__Feedback/Evaluation Form printed
__Master Notebook with notes completed
__Agenda printed and prominent for you when you deliver
__Ground Rules pre-written on Flip Chart
__Issues/Action Items pre-written on Flip Chart
__Any other Flip Charts that need to be pre-written
__Compile Registration Contact Info – Attendees name/address/contact to verify
__Produce any Takeaway Tools
__Lined notebook paper pads for attendees
__Refreshments/Ice/Candy/Food/Bottled Water
__Print Name Tags
__Music Box and CD’s
__Flip Chart Paper & Stand
__Markers for Flip Chart
__Tape to hang flip chart (use the blue tape that doesn’t remove paint from walls)
__Name Tags
__Bell (for helping to end interactive exercises and get attendee’s attention)
__Scissors (just in case you need them)
__Pre-written Flip Charts
__Participant Workbooks/Handouts
__Evaluation Forms
__Takeaway Tools
__Master Notebook with Notes
__Registration Info of all Participants
__Marketing Material