How Much is Your Workshop?

When you are asked how much your fee is, does it reflect the true value you are providing ?  Do you charge less because you feel they won’t be able to afford it?  I have finally made a commitment to no longer downsize my value or deeply discount my services because I think they won’t be able to afford it.  When I do that, I’m not only devaluing myself, I’m devaluing them, my potential customers.  Can you see what a vicious circle of scarcity thinking this creates?  We think, by giving others a great deal, we are serving them well.  But, in fact, we are actually saying to them, “I don’t value my own worth enough to charge for it, so I’m giving this workshop/product/service to you because I don’t believe you value my worth either!”

Do you ever notice that as soon as you invest more in yourself and your business (e.g. you pay someone else to help you with your business for a fee that you may never think of charging yourself) you suddenly can command a higher price for your services?  It’s because you are finally placing value in yourself first!  You are popping out of the vicious scarcity circle.  I’m done standing in that circle myself and I’m done standing for that for my clients.

I used to think that by asking for more money, I was being “greedy” and by wanting to make over 6 figures and even 7 figures, I was being “money-hungry”.  Well, now I finally see that by asking for what I know my gifts, talents and years of experience and hard work are truly worth, and by charging closer to the value I provide, people receive that value and with that money, I get to impact even more people.   Making more money allows me to help a whole lot more people.  And, I can give a whole lot more money to the organizations and foundations I am committed to like ending homelessness and hunger in the world starting right in my back yard. And, continuing to give to the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation because what they have already done to help my Dad experience more years in his life is priceless! As you review the fees you are charging for your own workshops, webinars and services, are you truly commanding the value you are providing?

It’s time for us to stop thinking we are being “greedy” or asking for too much for the services we offer.  It’s time to stop responding “WOW, that’s expensive” when someone tells us their fee and instead, to look within and notice how much or little value you place in your own services and products. If you are charging $57 for your workshop but really giving them $157 worth, then this is the time to update your pricing.   It’s time to access your full power and stand up for the difference you bring to the world.  It’s time to start charging what you are truly worth and stop placing ceilings on what you “think” people can afford.  As Lisa Sasevich says, “If they are not buying from you, change your audience, not your act….it’s time to cash in on your mojo!”

You have worked all these years gaining a ton of experience.  You have done all the heavy lifting and now it’s time to “cash in on your mojo” because you are worth it!  And, more importantly because the world needs to hear your unique message.  The world needs your gifts in the way that you uniquely deliver them.  It’s time to stop being stingy and jipping all of us of your unique voice.  It’s time to get your message out to a whole lot more people and get paid a whole lot more for the difference you make.

The world is waiting for you!

Supporting you in finding your unique voice and getting your message out to the world,